Cyber | Security Crew | MDR
Website design and development | Branding
Bugsec is a fast-paced cybersecurity company, providing high-end consulting and managed security services (MSSP). The company applies an attack-oriented defensive strategies delivered by leading cyber experts.
Cyber | Operational efficiency
Website design and development | Branding
Cync ignites a global transformation allowing organizations to maximize business value by connecting the entire cyber security ecosystem and giving control back to CISOs.
Media | News | Gen Z
Website design and development | Branding
Rec is a new generation content house for global news stories shaping the way global stories are being told and delivered.
Technology | Philanthropy | Youth
Website design and development | Branding
Founded by Steph Wertheimer to enhance Israel's working classs, Zurim provides technological education and training for youth, leading to a strong, technological and productive Israeli society.
Technology | NGO | Israeli society
Website design and development | Branding
Machsava Tova makes technology accessible in a supportive and empowering environment opening up doors for various populations is Israel in education, employment, transforming Israeli society.
Innovation | Entrepreneurship | Academy
Website design and development | Branding
The Asper prize is a startup competition hosted by the Hebrew University that celebrated startups that utilize innovation technologies with the aim of creating positive impact on a global scale.
VC | Jerusalem | Academy
Website design and development | Branding
The Investor’s course is a special training program in collaboration with, Introducing selected students to the world of startup investment, guiding them through the investor’s journey and perspective.
Jerusalem cohort | Innovation | Design | Engineering
Website design and development | Branding
JLM Impact is Jerusalem’s innovation and entrepreneurship center collaborating with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Bezalel academy of art and design and Azrieli college of engineering.